I was taken to the most delightful place the other day by none other than the lovely Spider Upshaw. The Galaxy has a bit of something for everyone. This beautiful little corner in SL is a place where you can dance…or chill or for those of us who have that dreadful SL disease that I call 'shopitis', there are stores there to indulge in. There is even something for people who have always dreamt of being able to fly: it's a the magic carpet ride! I was fascinated by the magic carpet ride. Chalk it up to my vivid imagination : I have wanted a magic carpet since first seeing ‘Aladdin’. Look for the sign that says: GALAXY TOUR HERE!! Sit & Touch & Enjoy! Hop on the , either alone or with a friend and away you go!!!! DO make SURE to put your settings on midnight as it enhances the whole experience. As the name implies and as you will soon see, you get to ride amongst not only the stars but the planets as well. Make sure to note the little romantic nooks and crannies during the tour so you can visit and revisit! The tour takes about five minutes. So put on some of your favorite music and enjoy this stellar show!!!